Sed, developed by REDCAT, is a series of sixteen sound works by artists Dorian Wood and Carmina Escobar that connect and engage the various Art Rise sites across Los Angeles. Each composition starts as a vocal drone of sustained sounds and notes sung by Wood and Escobar before a specially-programmed algorithm, created in collaboration with Juan Sebastián Lach, triggers other vocal gestures recorded by the pair, creating an emergent sound piece. As audiences move among the Art Rise installations, Sed will be experienced as a soundtrack and companion meant to reduce the sense of isolation caused by the pandemic, represented by voices expressing the innate need to sing together (like our need to find water in order to survive). Sed, the Spanish word for thirst, includes an original video installation on view at REDCAT. Intercutting footage of Wood and Escobar performing with images of faces, locations and community, the work is viewable daily after dusk from the street at REDCAT.